Saturday, September 19, 2009

Would you just listen?

Hey,would you just listen and please don't say a word, I'd like you to think back to the very first time we met,How you felt around me? The memories we shared,and just remember that once upon a time, you really cared.Now think about how we parted, and how much I cried...
But now I'd like you to know that my heart cure bit by bit.The pain was deep, unbearable and painful, for so many years,I'll never forget all the sadness, all the uncontrollable tears,slowly I am rebuilding my life, I am content with what I've got,and although it is hard I am beginning to forget what I have not.

You were a special part of my life that I will never forget, a part of my life that broke my heart, but that I don't regret, you gave me some happy memories that I'll keep in my heart,
Although sometimes I wish that you and I didn't have to part.You were my true love, that will always be so,after all of the heartache, sadness and never ending pain, I know,You and I had something special and that will never change, because I love you and loving someone else will always seem strange.

Would you just listen and please don't say a word, not ever,I'd like you to remember that once upon a time, we said forever,that I had hopes and dreams, that I was the one who threw them away,and this is something I will always regret until my dying day.

1 Comment:

vVv said...

hey Hey... U start our own blog liao wor...
Happy for U.. but U don't follow what Miss Loh do wor... after write few post then din update anymore..