Wednesday, April 28, 2010
age is no barrier
Posted by Koey at 4/28/2010 08:02:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: My wish list
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Hair ah hair
What should i do with my hair?my cousin's wedding is coming soon and i've no idea with my hair! Big sigh.I need some hairstyles for my hair!!!!
Posted by Koey at 4/20/2010 11:32:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: My life
Sunday, April 18, 2010
wasted my money again!!!
Even times are tough but that doesn't stop me from spending my money on some dumb-ass shit!!!!!!I went to shopping on last sunday,and i cant believe i've spent more than rm300 within one hour...Felt anxious about it as i've promise myself i wont simply waste my money anymore. I'm staying outside now and I need to pay for e.g Car, House, Bills, food and the occasional night out by myself!!Its not that easy.
Guess what?i headed down to sunway today(tuesday),and i've spend another rm150 on a dress.
OMG.Should i feel guilty and regret now?
urghh,I'm tooo lazy to type more random shit so i'll get back later...tomorrow possible or i dunno when but some other day.
Posted by Koey at 4/18/2010 10:59:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Shopping
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Our friendship would never end.
I know ivy is going to kick my butt when she saw this,but i'll still post this out.Hahaha...
Time flies without our noticed,i still remember that we used to hang out together everyday,went for shopping,went for a movie,went for exercise,went for Cheong k ( twice a week) etc etc!!!Those precious memories is linger in my mind now.=)
I get this from ivy blog (Click to enlarge the picture)
Long ivy,i caught u.U're sleeping instead of playing mahjong with us until morning!!!
Only Me,san san,eric,edwin,and jeff okay!!!!hahaha.I cant believe that my name keep appear when i scroll down the page,it was like,wow,this is what we called as friend.We did had a crazy time!!!!=) I always put a smile on my face when i think about you guys.We laugh at things that no one think is funny.We make weird faces and yell at everywhere.We say things that people would hide.Still remember those motto that we used to stop ivy?hahaha,I LOVE You Guys so damn much!!!!!!
Posted by Koey at 4/17/2010 01:13:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: My Friends
Friday, April 16, 2010
another day =(
My life’s now a mess!!!!I’ll try to get up as I always had but my legs are now weak, it makes me mad.I am super duper depressed right now.My mentally is strong, but emotionally weak.What should i do.I try so hard to crack those thing outta my head but end up,nothing ever changes.I am silly, I thought everything will be just fine but I'm so Wrong,I hated,I hated,I hated.Now after this, you guys will probably see me as a freak.I am not whining or whatsoever. I just think I should post something personal in the blog once in a while. It is more like a letter to myself.
I hated myself,I hated subang,I hated lied.I hated everything that makes me feel discouraged.Yes, I am a compulsive liar. I lied. It's not a habit, it's a freaking problem.Sorry for being a liar,especially for my beloved grandma and dad.If u were my closed friends,u'll know about it.But I am here to tell u guys that i will never ever talk about this anymore,am no revealing!!!!Its my own secret and I'm still struggling.How to survive you tell me how to survive with this situation. Urghh!I wish i could turn back the time.But i don't believe in miracles at this fucking moment.I am gradually lost my self-confidence.Please come back to me,i beg u.i beg u.i beg u.
Posted by Koey at 4/16/2010 09:47:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: moody
Thursday, April 15, 2010
what a bad day
Oh god,I’m dead tired.And I’m having a pulsating headache.diu diu diu diu diu!!!!( Means Fuck many times in Cantonese )
Sorry for being this rude,I'm trying another way to calm down.Such a bad day for me,Mistakes mistakes mistakes.Careless mistakes.Anxiety is taking over me now,I really need to be more careful when I work tomorrow. For your information,I work as a Acer engineer now.Guess what?I'm the only girl who repair for the both netbook and notebook in my office.All the others colleague was male.Frankly tell you guys that I'm not interest at all at this moment!!!!!!!!!!!!I did try my best to control my emotions today but in the end,things getting worse."Koey Lim,you can do it.Its time to prove to those bitchy ass which look down on you that they are so WRONG!!!!"I won't surrender easily!!!!
Showing you guys some pictures!!
Tsk Tsk,This is what i gotta face everyday =S Poor me
I am a Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Koey at 4/15/2010 09:09:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: moody
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Happy 10 months anniversary
Baby,Happy 10 months anniversary!!!hehehe,its not really long,we can do much better right?
I am thinking back to when we met... you know what,I love everything about us,from dancing, to fighting with each other...Whenever I'm with you, I have so much fun.
Thanks for accepting me for who I am,I can relax and just be me when I'm with you,even when my quirks come out,you will let me be.=)
There's nothing that I can't tell you.I Love U <3
while u're dota-ing...
Omg,Its 1am now,I bet u're sleeping like a pig now,
I'm tired,i guess i have to sleep.good night,muackk
Posted by Koey at 4/14/2010 10:12:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Love
Monday, April 12, 2010
Good night
A day is going to end again.Its nice to have a friend like you
"Night is longer than day for those who DREAM & day is longer
than night for those who make their DREAMS come true"
I'll remember this =D
Good night everyone and sweet dreams

Posted by Koey at 4/12/2010 11:48:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: My life
Dont blame me,pls
Felt extremely guilty now,sorry!!!!!!I hope u guys wont blame me for what I've done.
I bet u guys will never understand my feeling right now...
Its so hard to let go,I am still stubbornly to show the real me...
Posted by Koey at 4/12/2010 02:23:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: moody
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Miss my long hair
Short Long
Do i look better in long or short? I am liking the recent look but I'm missing long hair.So dilemma!!! And yea,someone ALWAYS told me that i got a "ngou mor wong eh bei"!!!!
Quite similar right?haha...
Posted by Koey at 4/11/2010 11:58:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: My life
Friday, April 09, 2010
I finally made myself back to blogger world,do you guys notice that i blog quite often lately? Some people blog to recall their feeling for certain thing but some will prefer to hide everything and just share with close friends about it. And me,I am here to writing out my feeling and something that I really want myself to remember...
oh yea,i am Dilemma...I miss my long hair!!I've cut my hair on last saturday and It was kinda a last minute decision for me.Feeling regret now, I feel more like a woman, and happier with myself, when my hair is long.Miss those days...
will post up the picture soon,
stay tune
Posted by Koey at 4/09/2010 10:13:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: My life
Hantu sudah mali
Hahaha,i Can't stop laughing when I saw this,it really doesn't make sense.
The teacher wrote"Hantu itu gembira juga keh?Jumpa Cikgu!!!"...Damn Funny =D hahaha
Posted by Koey at 4/09/2010 12:06:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: un-category
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Hey guys,have you lost the love and passion for your job???
I've lost my passion for work lately.I used to be so passionate about my job, its fun and challenging...But now i think i am stuck in a boring work that isolates me from the world,from the family,and from the one i love.
facing a lot of problems everyday!!!!I'm tired. Not physically, I get enough sleep. But mentally, or spiritually.And i dunno how to get over it, I'm tired!!!!!!!!
Damn it,why being mentally tired is worse than physical tiredness?And how to avoid sleepy during work hours?know what,I went to toilet regularly and try to calm myself down,but then its still the same!!!Nothing changes!!!SHIT
Posted by Koey at 4/07/2010 11:43:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: moody
Friday, April 02, 2010
shit happens
Ow,the internet connection in my room was pretty sucky,although it has been fixed but its still the same...And know what,I’m having bad sore throat now,this is so frustrating.And its such a bitch,just so unpredictable.
Maybe i eat a lot of fast food these days,Mcd for my lunch and KFC for dinner,Its ok for one day,but its for almost one week!!!LOL
I've told myself no more spicy food,no more oily food,fried food,etc...and I am trying very hard and my best to control myself.
BUT,I failed damn badly.I ate 4 fried spicy chicken for my dinner yesterday!!!Ugh whatever la,eat then eat la,die then die what i gotta do is just accept the fact now =(
I lost passion to go to work,My friend always reminds me "Koey,do not let your emotions and feelings take over and control what you do,You’ll come through this,just take it as an experience in life." Yea, i know,but hey I'm a human!!I just can't help it...I genuinely misses you lots.
Posted by Koey at 4/02/2010 07:35:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: moody