Sunday, April 17, 2011


Guess what??I am coughing...have been for 4 months i guess?Or maybe more than that...I also feel sore throat,which come and go during this 4 months,it is usually worse in the morning when I get up from bed.I cough randomly throughout the day or just after talking a sentences and it has also happened while I was sleeping!!When i am breathing it feels as though there is a small amount of liquid in the bottom of my throat that i cannot get rid of by the coughing.I really have no idea why I started doing this, and its really bothering me :(
Oh well,I went to dinner with my friends on friday,they think i might have lung cancer and warned me to go hospital for an x-ray of the lung!!HAHAHA,what a big joke?!!But honestly,its freaking me out!!

For your information,i am a non-smoker.

but i am an alcoholic,

Is it possible for me to get lung cancer at age 21? :S