Okie,here's a random update.Last month,I went to Desa Water Park with my boyfriend.It was fun so we've decided to go again.
But this time,we choose Sunway Lagoon instead of Desa water park so that we can try something new. It was 3 years ago since i last visited to Sunway Lagoon.We reached there at almost 2pm and the staff informed us the park will be closed at 6pm:( So we have only 4 hours to have fun there.
Sunway lagoon has increased some new park such as wild park,extreme park and scream park and guess what?We have to pay for entry to 3 of the parks even though we only wanted the water park. Kinda expensive.
Okie,let's stop talking,i'll let the picture to do all the explanation.

After 3 hours playing with the water,we went to shower and i realized that i forgot to bring my towel :S So end up I've to bath with my bikini and wait for my boyfriend's towel.What a mess!!

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